DWI Phantom

The DWI phantom is an Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC) phantom that contains two regions with different ADCs (ADC malignant and ADC benign). These regions enable the determination of accuracy and precision of ADC measurements. The Lesion Insert simulates malignant lesions embedded in a benign environment. This insert tests the detectability of lesion of different size. The Resolution Inserts allows the determination of the real resolution achieved in the examination.

T2 weighted Turbo-Spin-Echo; 1 x 1 x 2 mm³

Diffusion weighted single shot Echo-Planar-Imaging

Resolution: 2 x 2 x 2 mm³

ADC map

ADC= 1.082 ± 23 µm²/ms

b = 1500 s/mm²

ADC map

ADC= 1.645 ± 39 µm²/ms

b = 0

Resolution: 3 x 3 x 2 mm³

ADC= 1.081 ± 0.0016 µm²/ms

ADC=1.648 ± 0.021 µm²/ms

Standard version

Technical specifications

  • Cylindrical phantom container: Diameter: 150 mm, High: 170 mm
  • Lesion diameters: 10 mm, 7 mm, 5 mm, 4 mm, 3 mm, 2 mm

customer-specific modifications

  • ADC Values
  • Size of the phantom container

Application examples

check-1 Multicenter Trials
check-1 Longitudinal Studies
check-1 Sequence Development

Cloud Based Analysis

  • HQ Imaging also offers cloud based analysis of the DWI Phantom

User reference

„The HQ Imaging DWI Phantom was an important tool for quality control in our breast cancer diffusion imaging study. Thus, we could ensure stable ADC measurements comparable between the sites”

Dr. Sebastian BickelhauptGerman Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)