DTI Resolution Phantom
The DTI resolution phantom [1] consists of several fiber strands formed by polyester fibers wound onto a cylindrical spindle. Between the fibers, the diffusing aqueous solution is located. This way, the restricted anisotropic diffusion in white matter of the brain is mimicked.

Standard Version
Technical specifications
- Cylindrical phantom container: Diameter: 150 mm, High: 150 mm
- Fiber strands cross-sections: 5 x 5 mm2, 3 x 3 mm2, 2.5 x 2.5 mm2, 2 x 2 mm2, 1.5 x 1.5 mm2, 1 x 1 mm2
- Outer Diameter of the spindle / fiber strands: 60 mm
- Fractional Anisotropy: 0.8
- Distance between the starting positions of the fiber strands on the spindle is a multiple of 2.5 mm. This allows an easy observation of the partial volume effects in all strands for a nominal image resolution of 2.5 mm.
Customer-specific modifications
- FA (coming soon)
- Size of the phantom container
- Size of the spindle
- Cross-sections of the fiber strands
- Number of fiber strands and their distance
Application examples
Ground truth for validation of DTI sequences and post-processing pipelines
Effects of the changes in the orientation of the imaging matrix relative to the fiber strands [1]
Investigation of the influence of partial volume effects and fiber strand size on fiber tracking methods and the derived quantities (e.g. tract-based spatial statistics, TBSS [2])
User reference
References (scientific articles)
Investigation of resolution effects using a specialized diffusion tensor phantom.
Methodological considerations on tract-based spatial statistics (TBSS).